Five tax-filing mistakes to avoid so you don't get audited
You would be hard-pressed to find someone who actually enjoys being audited.
You would be hard-pressed to find someone who actually enjoys being audited.
Come Income Tax time, everyone hears a ton of catchphrases and things to remember. Most of the time it’s just nothing more than a lot of big words that don’t make a lot of sense to anyone. But, when it comes to saving for retirement and getting a tax break at the same time, RRSPs are a surefire bet! Here’s some major points about the RRSP and its benefit for working Canadians.
Most filings of GST returns should be a straightforward exercise. Yet, businesses and professional practitioners alike often find errors have been made on a return that has already been filed.
It is common knowledge that businesses can deduct any expense incurred in the course of gaining income. Can employees deduct certain expenses? Read on to find out.
Jamie Golombek: Why teens may want to consider filing taxes even if they're not required to, plus one way employees can boost cash flow all year long...